Vision / Mission / Values
The Mission of the school and related Vision and Values statements informs our actions and shapes our expectations.
To be the pre-eminent, progressive internationalised bilingual school with Chinese roots and global connections.
To empower all students to pursue excellence equipped with the necessary abilities and character to become lifelong learners, who are well-balanced, creative, multicultural problem solvers, making a positive difference in the world.
M | MOTIVATION | We inspire confidence in students to develop a passion for learning and to embrace the challenges of the future. |
MUTUAL RESPECT | We are an inclusive, welcoming community and acknowledge that each student has intrinsic value and is deserving of respect. | |
H | HOLISTIC | We are committed to providing a balanced, broad based programme and an enriched learning environment for students. |
HAPPINESS | We aim to build strong student-teacher relationships and recognise the importance that genuine happiness has in advancing the learning process. | |
I | INTELLECTUAL RIGOUR | We believe in high standards and value knowledge and the ability to apply, communicate and reflect on that knowledge. |
INTERNATIONALLY MINDED | We aspire to be caring, understanding and environmentally aware global citizens. | |
S | SERVICE | We are fully committed to a culture of service both within and outside our school community and will act to make a positive difference for those in need. |
SUCCESS | We value and celebrate the pursuit of excellence across the intellectual, creative and physical domains. |
We inspire confidence in students to develop a passion for learning and to embrace the challenges of the future. | |
We are an inclusive, welcoming community and acknowledge that each student has intrinsic value and is deserving of respect. | |
We are committed to providing a balanced, broad based program and an enriched learning environment for students. | |
We aim to build strong student-teacher relationships and recognise the importance that genuine happiness has in advancing the learning process. | |
We believe in high standards and value knowledge and the ability to apply, communicate and reflect on that knowledge. | |
We aspire to be caring, understanding and environmentally aware global citizens. | |
We are fully committed to a culture of service both within and outside our school community and will act to make a positive difference for those in need. | |
We value and celebrate the pursuit of excellence across the intellectual, creative and physical domains. |