About Bromsgrove School

Bromsgrove School is a co-educational independent public school with 550 years history who has excellent student performance and high reputation among schools in the world.

  • History

    Bromsgrove School, founded in 1553, is a co-educational independent public school in the Worcestershire town of Bromsgrove, England. It is a charity. The school comprises of kindergarten, primary, and secondary sections for a total of around 1,700 boarding and day-school pupils and a teaching staff of 240. It is a founder member of the Headmasters' Conference (HMC)

    The school, which is now 550 years old, was first mentioned as a Chantry School in 1476 and was re-established as a Tudor Grammar School between 1548 and 1553. The financial endowment of Sir Thomas Cookes in 1693 produced the first buildings on the present site. It shares an historic link with Worcester College, Oxford, in its coat of arms and motto, based on those of Thomas Cookes of Norgrove. John Day Collis became Headmaster in December 1842. The tercentenary of the grammar school was celebrated on 31 March 1853. In 1856 Collis had the chapel and new school rooms built, and existing buildings enlarged and improved.

    In 1869 Bromsgrove was one of the fourteen founding schools of the Headmasters' Conference. During the Second World War the school was moved temporarily to Llanwrtyd Wells in Wales, and its buildings used by British government departments. In 2002 the school established Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST) in Thailand.

  • Present Day

    The Good Schools Guide proclaims that Bromsgrove "inhabits the academic stratosphere", enjoys "outstanding leadership" and "outstanding sport", while official inspectors, OFSTED, rate both Senior and Prep School as "outstanding” and the ISI Independent Schools Inspectorate rate Bromsgrove as “Double Excellent” across Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior. If you believe in league tables, then Bromsgrove is in the top ten (sometimes top five) of all British coeducational boarding/day schools.

    The School is selective, but its value added scores are also exceptional. As well as the twelve hundred British students, three hundred others from seventy nations now attend Bromsgrove.

    In 2023-24 school year, we have achieved an average IB score of 38.9, consistently ranked No.4 across all co-educational IB schools in the UK, and consistently ranked amongst the top 17 across all IB schools in the world (across 160 countries, 5800 schools). 90% of our graduates went to their First Choice University, 33% went to world top 50 universities, 30% pursued Economics, and 10% pursued Medicine, Dentistry and Vet Med courses. 100+ of our graduates gained places at Russell Group universities and our most popular universities in UK include Oxford, LSE, UCL, Imperial, Durham, Warwick, St Andrews, Bath and Manchester. Our students have also secured offers globally, including: Duke, Cornell, Columbia, UC San Diego; Northeastern, University of British Columbia (UBC), University of Toronto, HK University (HKU), City University and Chinese University HK (CUHK).

    Our holistic enrichment is diverse and sophisticated. We rank top 7 for sports over the past 9 years. We boast 31 different music ensembles and 293 Senior Clubs and Activities.

    Please click here for Bromsgrove UK's academic results 2024.

  • ISI reports Bromsgrove is Doubly Excellent

    All sections of Bromsgrove School were inspected by a team of ISI inspectors in early June 2023 and the School is now thrilled to announce that Bromsgrove Senior School and Bromsgrove Preparatory and Pre-Preparatory have all been judged as double ‘Excellent’ by the Independent School Inspectorate. This is the HIGHEST possible grading.

    The team of inspectors found that on the quality measures they judge – (1) the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements, and (2) the quality of pupils’ personal development – the Schools scored ‘Excellent’ ratings.

    The Headmaster, Michael Punt, commented ‘We are absolutely delighted that the inspection reports provide independent verification of the excellent education and care that we are providing for children and young people’.

    Key findings from ISI 2023 report:

    ISI headline judgements can range from ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘sound’ or ‘unsatisfactory’.

    • “The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

    o Pupils are highly motivated and have extremely positive attitudes to learning. They take a high level of responsibility for their studies, demonstrating an intrinsic motivation and determination to do well.

    o Pupils are articulate communicators who express themselves clearly, both orally and in writing. They develop communication skills of the highest quality. They are articulate, expressing themselves clearly and with purpose, with numerous opportunities for discussion and debate in the classroom.

    o Pupils excel in a wide variety of sporting, creative and academic extra-curricular activities. They regularly gain considerable success at county, regional and national level.

    • Sporting successes include being national finalists in basketball, cross country, hockey, netball, rugby and tennis. Individuals are members of national squads in a wide range of sports.

    • Pupils excel in the UK Maths Challenge, Science Olympiads, Young Enterprise and coding competitions.

    • Other notable successes include a first place at Mallory Park for an electric car designed, built and raced by the pupils.

    • Pupils gain strong success in external music examinations.

    • Large numbers embark on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award with many completing bronze, silver and gold.

       Pupils achieve highly in these areas partly because they have extremely strong independent and collaborative skills, but also because they are encouraged by the school to pursue their interests to the highest level.

    o Pupils use digital technology naturally to support and extend their learning.”

    • “The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent.

    o From the moment pupils join the school, they make rapid progress in developing their self-confidence, resilience, self-awareness and other personal skills. Pupils show a distinctive degree of self-confidence without any hint of arrogance.

    o Pupils display an outstanding sense of community. They work together completely naturally in activities, and the supportive environment enables overseas boarders to settle into their new surroundings and form successful relationships with their peers. The pupils’ contribution to a harmonious multi-national boarding community is based on tolerance, support and empathy.

    o Pupils are extremely good at supporting others in the school. In discussions with inspectors, they spoke warmly of a culture of mutual support where pupils and staff will go out of their way to help each other. Through the assumption of leadership roles, pupils contribute to the school community in many different ways.

    o Pupils have a remarkably strong sense of self-understanding and an excellent awareness of how to improve and achieve their goals. They have an excellent understanding of the significance of their decision-making in determining their future opportunities and self-fulfillment.

    o Pupils embrace the many opportunities to improve the lives of others and make an excellent contribution to the community within and beyond school.”

    Amidst the 13-page report, with consistently ‘excellent’ findings throughout, there is only one recommendation given to Bromsgrove – which is a substantiation of Bromsgrove’s historic track record of ‘excellence in quality’:

    • “The School is advised to make the following improvement.

    o Ensure that all pupils have regular opportunities to develop the depth of their academic curiosity and ambition.”