12 Dec 2014

The Mission of the school and related Vision and Values statements informs our actions and shapes our expectations.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills is an innovative school that blends best practice from East and West to achieve academic excellence while offering abundant holistic opportunities.
As an internationalised school in Shenzhen, we strongly believe that the inheritance of Chinese culture and traditional virtues should be a fundamental premise of exemplary educational establishments. Integration of the different cultures and ideologies that we uphold and advocate requires children, and indeed all of our stakeholders, to embrace traditional Chinese culture and then integrate into the global community with an open and inclusive heart.
Bromsgrove School is a co-educational independent public school with 550 years history who has excellent student performance and high reputation among schools in the world.
Together, Bromsgrove School and Mission Hills are building the solid foundations to an innovative ‘legacy education’ institution. A School that combines the finest traditions of British and Chinese education with a progressive desire to prepare young people to succeed in the global marketplace. Underpinned by shared values and a deep commitment to academic excellence, the Bromsgrove School Mission Hills shines forth, a lighthouse of mutual respect and cultural cooperation for the modern age.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills is a modern educational force – a truly bilingual education. We know that it is possible to balance academic rigour with nurture and stimulation. We also know that all young people rise to the expectations you hold of them. That morality matters and creativity counts. That the love of learning can be transformative. We know because we put these principles into practice every day.
At Bromsgrove School Mission Hills we believe that young children have a right to joyful experiences full of awe and wonder. We value and love each child with professionalism and passion.
At Bromsgrove School Mission Hills we believe that young children have a right to joyful experiences full of awe and wonder.We value and love each child with professionalism and passion.
We prepare our students for Top-Tier Universities around the World by a progressive and clearly articulated programme that begins at the point of entry, allowing students to move progressively through their educational journey based on their developmental and learning needs.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills is located in the vibrant city of Shenzhen and nestled within the Mission Hills’ 20 square kilometres of serene and green landscapes and surrounding dynamic community, offering a wealth of world-class facilities and experts to support students’ holistic education.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills is located within the expansive Mission Hills Community in the vibrant city of Shenzhen.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills selectively engages in partnerships with first class educational organisations to enrich our students’ holistic experiences and development.
View the Photos, Albums and Videos related to Bromsgrove School Mission Hills and Mission Hills Group.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills Pre school provides unique bilingual inquiry based curriculum for students to learn and progress through play.
The approach or pedagogy used to deliver the curriculum consists of a balance of inquiry, play, guided instruction and explicit instruction, and the traditional virtues that the school has identified will serve as a building block to guide children as they learn valuable lessons.
Language instruction will not be taught in isolation but will be a natural part of everyday interaction. All students will pursue a blended programme taught in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English.
In our Pre School, we believe that inquiry is a critical building block in the process of learning. Through this focus on inquiry-based learning, the students will begin to develop critical thinking skills. They will begin to "work smarter" .
Play is essential for children's development. In our Pre School, children will have many opportunities to initiate learning and play, as well as take part in more structured play-based learning under the guidance of our experienced teachers.
The state-of-the-art 13 large open-plan classrooms, extensive library, multi-purpose atrium, Music and Dance Room and PE classroom for the Pre School offers a vibrant, exciting and nurturing environment in which children can thrive.
School day officially begins at 08:30 and ends at 15:30. Students can begin arriving at 08:00 for supervised playtime and begin leaving from 15:30 onwards, with supervised playtime till 16:00. CoCurricular Activities are optional and offered on most days of the week.
We believe in children being active learners with natural curiosity. Thus we extend learning beyond the classroom as we want to make the most of the wonderful community and city in which we live.
Our Preparatory School Curriculum follows the framework of the National Curriculum in England, with which content streams found in the Chinese Primary School curriculum are integrated,and seeks to build upon the foundation skills, knowledge and holistic development fostered in Pre School to allow for a smooth transition for students as they move towards the Senior School.
The names Bromsgrove and Mission Hills are synonymous with sporting excellence. Our range of sport is considerable, the Mission Hills facilities are superb, and our expectations high. BMH students should enjoy sport at the highest level they can attain and take from the experience friendships and skills that will last for life.
The time devoted to each language is dependent on the age of the student with a gradual shift as the student advances from the Early Childhood programme, to the Prep School and to the Senior School. In the Prep School (Prep 1 - 6) we aspire to a balance of Chinese/English instruction.
Inquiry is a key pedagogical approach at BMH, aiding the development of children’s critical thinking and problem solving skills. Emphasis is placed on meaning and understanding. Inquiry moves the learner from his or her current level of understanding to a new and deeper level of understanding.
Assessment is an ongoing process and is integral to all teaching and learning with the prime objective to provide purposeful feedback on the learning process.School shall send parents official student learning reports in term I and II.
The state-of-the-art facilities for the Prep School include large open-plan classrooms, an extensive library, atrium / multi-purpose room indoor hall, student cafeteria, dedicated art, dance, drama, and music rooms, science labs and workshops.
Students arrive from 8am and Period 1 commences at 8:20am. The School Day ends at 16:00. Co-curricular activities are optional and offered from Monday to Friday.
We believe in children being active learners with natural curiosity. Thus we extend beyond the classroom as we want to make the most of the wonderful community and city in which we live.
Annually, 2 BMH students are selected as Student Ambassadors to study at Bromsgrove School UK for a whole term.
A direct pathway to Bromsgrove School UK for Bromsgrove School Mission Hills students.
Progress from Bromsgrove School Mission Hills to Bromsgrove School UK seamlessly and ultimately to the World's Top Universities.
From Prep 4 upwards, students take part in Priority Placement to secure a place at Bromsgrove UK at Year 9/10.
Our Junior High School – Building a solid foundation for entering the World’s top Senior High Schools.
Senior School provides students with an array of opportunities for leadership and character development through our student led societies, co-curricular activities and elite athlete opportunities.
It is always the case that students must come first, and systems second. However, good pastoral care – the kind of pastoral care that really does focus on individual issues rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution – must be a carefully monitored system with a structured approach in place to support each child.
Our co-curricular programme is growing all the time, especially in golf where we now have BMH PGA Ascenders and Student Athlete Programmes which provide a Pathway to golfing excellence and University Placements with Golf Scholarships.
Great boarding schools offer students a home, not a place to sleep after work.
In addition to a strong sense of identity is one of responsibility, with our Houses seeking to uphold School Values, support our community and younger student members, and engage in acts of Service through our House system.
Holistic education has been identified as one of the core values of the school. The school shall support students with holistic development by offering a wide assortment of activities outside of the classroom and to encourage them to participate in ones that meet their interests and needs.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills aims to produce a three hundred and sixty degree education. There is breadth of opportunity at our school and what happens away from the physical school environment is every bit as important as what happens within.
The names Bromsgrove and Mission Hills are synonymous with sporting excellence. Our range of sport is considerable, the Mission Hills facilities are superb, and our expectations high. BMH students should enjoy sport at the highest level they can attain and take from the experience friendships and skills that will last for life.
The BMH Golf, Tennis, Ice clubs and teams have been established to assist those who have a passion and aptitude for golf, tennis, figure skating or ice hockey. At BMH the school leads the way in providing students who perform to a high standard at golf with the opportunity to integrate an intensive training regime led by highly qualified professional instructors with a personalised academic programme.
Music at BMH is vibrant and inclusive. Our aim is to provide something for everyone: all types of musical endeavour are encouraged.
Drama is a passion which can be experienced by every student who is interested – from the most charismatic to the shyest. As ever, we believe inclusivity is perfectly compatible with excellence provided Students give of their best at an appropriate level. Every student has the opportunity to perform.
In keeping with Bromsgrove School Mission Hills’ philosophy that stimulation outside the classroom is as important as hard work within, field trips and cultural visits are a fundamental component of the BMH life.
At Bromsgrove School Mission Hills, we believe in the importance of Student Agency and Student Voice. Throughout the school, teachers encourage and value the input of our students in driving our learning, deciding what questions to explore and in setting up our routines and class systems.
We will feature healthy, balanced, tempting and varied meals, in accordance to the seasons, to children and staff, within our own school canteens.
Green Monday is a global sustainability initiative designed to promote green lifestyle choices one day a week with the goal of reducing individual carbon footprint and negative impact on the environment over time. Bromsgrove School Mission Hills (BMH) is the very FIRST elementary school and kindergarten in the whole of China to join this green effort!
We believe in the notion of School as Community and in order to foster a deep sense of community we must begin by accepting the notion that each individual has a part to play. If every member of staff, student and parent is prepared to work in a cooperative mode, to act always in a responsible and respectful manner, to communicate honestly, to be kind to each other so as to build meaningful relationships that go deeper than the operational aspects of the school day, then we can build a successful school community that is engaging and inspirational
Our BMH uniform is an important part of our identity. Wearing the correct uniform is an affirmation of belonging to, believing in and respecting our learning community.
Education is a holistic endeavour that involves the whole person, including our bodies, in a process of formation that aims our desires, primes our imagination and orients us to the world.
Education is a holistic endeavour that involves the whole person, including our bodies, in a process of formation that aims our desires, primes our imagination and orients us to the world.
Bromsgrove School Mission Hills welcomes applications from Chinese Nationals and Foreign Passport holders alike. View detailed admissions process.
If you are interested in visiting our school please send us the Enquiry Form online or call us to make arrangement.
To know more about latest news happened in BMH.
To know more about Bromsgrove School Mission Hills events.
Teachers share the school life of their classes through the Class Blogs.
The newsletter is sent out to parents every two weeks to let them know what has happened in the school.
To enhance sense of community, relationship between parents and school, and to provide more knowledge on children development, the school hold Parents Coffee Morning every two weeks.